The Earth and all forms of life are sacred. I have been studying Paganism / Witchcraft and Shamanism for over 30 years.  It is all based on simple belief systems, which are based of the Divine. This has enabled me to help many people in need. 

As a Medium, I can bridge the gap between the living and the dead. I create understanding, resolve old wounds, and bring comfort to the living.  I speak to Spirit People/Animals and those who have Dementia / Alzheimer's, when they are willing.

As an Energy Healer, I am incredibly sensitive to all kinds of energies and my drive to learn has also led me to study Shiatsu, Polarity Therapy, and Tantra, among many other things.

I provide remote healing on your physical body.  It doesn't matter if you are an adult or child.  I work on animals too.    

Together we will work through your trauma, loss, old entangled energies, and break those energetic cords.

 Are you ready for some Ancestral Healing?

My Energy Exchange is $49 an hour.


My name is Strongwater, a translation of an old European name that the Divine disclosed to me. It is a reflection of the Power of Water and Earth in which I am anchored. 

Shaman is a word that originates from the Far Eastern European world, where some of my Ancestors lived. Shaman are special people that have access to the spirit world.

The God/dess has given me roads to walk that developed my compassion and understanding. I strive to be her vessel and help whomever she brings to me. 

I grew up in a multicultural world of a 130 languages being spoken! There I met many spiritual workers and was invited to rituals of people from many different lands. 

I am so grateful that I grew up in a City where 130 languages were spoken. Jersey City is closest to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. It was there that immigrants arrived and many that settled right where they landed.

I got to meet people and was introduced to so many religions and spiritual beliefs that I lost count. I got invited and went to Hindu and Hari Krishma temples, to Yoruba rituals and danced in their drum circles. I attended POW WOW with a Native boyfriend and got dragged to Polish pagan events by my mama

My teachers included StarHawk the famous author, a Welsh Celtic Priestess with whom I studied with for years, as well as Henno Parks an Estonian Shaman, a Two Spirit Pacific Northwest Medicine person, Luisa Teish a Voudoun Priestess

 and Itzhak Beery a South American Shaman.  I have been exposed to and did workshops with many teachers from around the world.  A Quechua Shaman confirmed that I was Spirit initiated into that Tradition, one that is freely taught to others.

This work is in my blood :)

My mother and grandfather were healers from Poland.  Mama was a nurse and my grandfather a Veterinarian and Medic in WWII. 

I remember his incredible love, patience and lessons about magic when I was a very small child.

My grandfather was also, a Star Shaman. That is my term for him. One day, during a chat with a fellow Medium, my grandfather came through. He said he wasn’t from here. Well, I knew he had been born in Poland and said so. No, came the answer. He said he was from a different Star System and that I was like him. It took a while, but puzzle pieces start to make sense.

 Once, during a dark night of my soul I begged that the Universe show me family that was kind, I had an immediate vision. I found myself among the stars, and they were dancing and singing around me. I later came to understand that these WERE my family from very far away, and I simply had not conceived the full extent of the message until my grandfather spoke years later.

Furthermore, I can bridge the gap between the living and dead to help create understanding, resolve old wounds and bring comfort to the Spirit People's family and friends.  

The term Wounded Healer applies to me in the utmost. I have created relationships with my family, which are now in spirit, that are better than I could ever have imagined. The love and healing is something I learned to manifest and offer to help you do the same with your loved ones.

As a Shaman, I work Remotely. The whole process involves me tuning into Energy, so it doesn’t matter if I am in another state or in the same room. It is the same either way.

Non-Shamanic Healing Work

I've done significant amounts of various, therapeutic work. 

I have spent years recovering from growing up in a very dysfunctional, emotionally and physically violent family. Not only that, but I believe I chose them so that I could learn and develop into who I am today.
Likewise, I was able to heal, transmute the painful lessons I learned and create a life bigger and more amazing than I could ever have imagined.

I can teach you how to manage Anxiety, Fear, and process Rage in very healthy ways.

I also worked through enormous amounts of PTSD, and from many of the effects of being a 9/11 Rescue Worker.  

I have learned much. 

I want to give back.

To use these challenges I have met and grew from to now do good in the world.

I hope you allow me to help you find your best life :)



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